Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Greatness of Religion

I believe that religion is important to humanity. Religion is important to most people in today’s world. It is something that makes this world go around and lets people believe in what they want. It lets people be there own person and does not make everyone the same. I believe that it is a way for people to form what kind of life they are going to live. It helps them determine what the right and wrong things are. It also helps you follow a way of life to be successful and to be the best person you can be. Most religions have usually have a positive story behind them and you try to learn from them. The religion I believe in is Catholicism. In Catholicism there is a set of rules that all Catholics follow called the Ten Commandments. They are a set of rules that every Catholic should follow in order to be a great person. I was never big into religion until I reached my freshman year in high school. I never thought it was really important at all and I final realized it is. My religion became an essential part of my life and changed the way I looked at things. I started to become a better person by trying to follow the ways of Catholicism. I started trying my best to follow the ways of Jesus and tried be as great of a person as he was. Religion has changed my life dramatically and helped me learn many new things. It has helped me have faith and get through times of struggle. When my aunt got diagnosed with cancer it helped me believe that she could become better through prayers. It helped me realize that God is always with me helping and to always have faith no matter what.

Word Count-304


  1. I agree with you that religion makes the world go around. There are so many different religions and that's what makes it so interesting. It's pretty cool that religion has changed your life dramatically and you have learned new things from it.

  2. Like you, i was never very into religion growing up. I went to church every now and then but have never been able to finish the bible. I do believe in many of the morals, beliefs and lessons taught through the christian faith however. Over the past few years i have felt myself grow stronger in my faith and have become a better person from this.
